

Hi Everyone
Welcome to my cyber-journal

Let me introduce my -easy going, cute, humble but random and absurd- self.

My name is Hanifah Amalia, Bachelor of Art (Humanities Study) and still being Student of Architecture. I took my study majoring Dutch Studies in University of Indonesia and now on is still fighting for my Architecture in University of Indraprasta PGRI. I took my high school in Daar el-Qolam Islamic Boarding School, located in Balaraja, Tangerang, Banten. I'm most known and famous as Member in most of my daily time, so simply call me Member.

I'm a travel junky, whatever backpacker or flashpacker or even luxury travel *if there's someone who will treat me well freely :p*. Book, music and film addict, I read any kind of books, listen to any kind of music and watch any kind of film, no matter its genre or theme. I like photograph, both being photographer or model *although I never post my photo here and note, although I HAVE NO PHOTOGENIC FACE* hahahaha #dammit. As a food hunky, I eat and drink everythings, since it 'halal' for me and the bad news is, it contributes well for my weight #ohmyGod 

Since I like many things and this blog is not a thematic blog, I write this diary just for my fun and hobby, through my free time, for sharing anything that maybe I think it'll has benefits for you, or sometime just for god sake my own satisfaction. Being ambivert sometime just makes me full of 'thing' that I have to write 'them' down to discharge my extra energy. Sharing my thoughts, ideas, reviews, experiences etc, whatever! I believe, writing is some tool to help me relaxing my self and my mind after a stressful and heavy day in my routine. I'm apologize if some of my stories or posts are too random and absurd to be understand, because I'm also in random and absurd sense and feels when I wrote it down, haha. But actually and above all, I hope you enjoy this cyber-journal, because I like sharing everything with you :*. SHARING IS CARING broohh :D

"Just Be My Marvellous Self" is my Motto

Cheers :D

Best of Me