
Top Favorite Middle-Eastern Singer

So here I go, wahaha

Oke, welcome back to my absurd post. Here I wanna tell you all my top fav arabian singer *not arabian actually. it's more to middle-eastern singer*. I love them so much because of some reason and maybe I'll tell it on another time. I'll focus this post to the list of my fav middle-eastern singer, hoho :p

So, here we goo..

Ehh yaa, for noted!! Here I wouldn't explain about their masterpieces or their work. You can googling it easily and read dozen articles about them. So in this posting I just wanna tell you the reasons or maybe the history why I can love them crazily, wahaha *it's a really bad posting with bad grammars* >.<

So, this is it..


Oh My Lord, this one is my fav middle-eastern singer ever. Actually, I knew him since 2 years ago, when I took Turkish class in my faculty. I and my group used one of his best masterpiece's song, Dudu. In the first time I listened to the song, I exactly fell in love with it. I loved its earcatching tone and melody. It really catched my ear, buahaha. In that time, I never thought about seeing the video by youtube. But one year later, an idea shine in my absurd mind. I wanna see the "Dudu" video. So I decided my self to watch it. And what do you know when I watching it? I'm shocked to the fullness. Do you know why I can extremely shock? He is so damn HOT brohh. He is soooo handsome, hot and perfect. His eyes looks like an eagle and his smile melt my deepest heart #ulala. Yeah, finally, I love him because both of his musicalitas and his face. Fyi, Tarkan is a best known Turk singer and you can read more about him here and this is his official site. Check it out for more info.

Sami Yusuf

Sami Yusuf is an Iranian most famous Islamic singer in the world. His song are mostly about Islam. We, Indonesian, usually call it "Shalawat". I actually forget the exact time I love his song. I ever seen his video "Hasbi Rabbi" in TV and fall in love for the first time watching it. But unfortunately I don't remember what's the chapter of the song and whose the singer. I just remember some of its lyrics and some part of the video. I remember the part when there is some gentle handsome guy who walk across the square which has many flying pigeon. I really do remember about that scene and it enter to the deepest place of my memory. A years later, I try to googling it. After deep searching, I found that the title of this memorable song is "Hasbi Rabbi" and the singer is Sami Yusuf. After knowing that info, I exactly open youtube and watch the video Hasbi Rabbi and I exactly feel like a dejavu, wahaha *alay*. Yeah, after years, I finally found the song and its singer *happy till death*. For you, everyone, who wanna kepoing him, this is the info about him in English and in Bahasa and this is his official site. Just check it out for more info.

Amr Diab

The third one is Amr Diab. I firstly know about him from his song. My friend recommend me to listen to the song Ana Ayesh and Tamally Maak. I exactly fell in love when I first listened it. As same as I fell in love with Dudu, Ana Ayesh and Tamally Maak are earcatching songs. I do really love the tone and melody. Both of the song is soft *in my opinion* but have a great effect. I don't really know what the effect, but  I just feel cozy, easy and somethis like, a flying heart, when I listen them *oke stop. I know I'm lebay now*. Yeah, his voice is so soft *like Sami Yusuf* but has its own character. A couple day later, when I googling Amr Diab's video, Ana Ayesh and Tamally Maak, I fell in love too with the video. It's so romantic, in my mind. After that, I googling about Amr Diab and I found a new fact about him. Well, actually he is the singer of the most memorize and memorable song in Indonesia, Habibi Yaa Nuril Ain. Omaigat. I'm shocked, wahaha. I never know that he was too the singer of Habibi Yaa Nuril Ain *tepok jidat*. Oke fellas, if you want to check him more, let's we see his profile in english here and in Bahasa here and for more info, lets check his official site here.


The last one is Arash. Well, he is an Iranian pop-singer and most of his song use Persian. Actually, I didn't who is he. I just even hear his song and yeah, such the previous explain, I fall in love exactly with his song. I heard his song for the first time in the Bikun UI *free bus around Universitas Indonesia campus*. When I heard it, I didn't know which language he used for the song. I just listened some english lyric in the reff. Of course I exactly memorized the lyric and decided my self to googling it asap. After googling, I got the info that the song was "Broken Angel" and exactly open youtube to find the video. Actually, I like the video. But in my perspective, it's too, how can I explain it? *bingung* *garuk pala*. For the eastern, it's too bitch, maybe, wahaha. I don't know how to say, but it looks like something how ... (bla bla bla). But overall, I love his songs and he succesfully become one of my fav middle-eastern singer. More info about him just click here or chect at his official site.

Yeaahh, finally. Those are my top fav singer ever. I know this time I really excessive in commending them. But yaaahh, I do really like their abilities in singing a song. Maybe I would add this list in another time, if I found the other cool singer who can melt my heart for the first time, wahaha :D

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